Ok.....was minding my own business one day listening to the radio.....and then a tune caught my ear.
When i first heard it, i thought it had a really good tune so i went onto the information highway to look for that tune. So this is where the paiseh part comes in. The song is sung by.....drumroll.........sigh.....paiseh till no tomorrow liao..........drumroll..............do i really have to say the name of the song......well, maybe not....but if you can guess what song it is.....drumroll..........errr.......promise not to laugh..........drumroll.......its....its.......sung......by........
Britney Spears - Piece of Me.
Ok...now let me go back to my cave and go into hiding.
If you are internet smart, you'll know how to find the answer.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Manyak Paiseh Loooor!!!!
Posted by
8:25 AM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Got Touched!!!
Woke up this morning.......had my coffee......went to Itunes......and got bitten by the Ipod Itouched bug. Why? Well, i can download video podcasts on Itouch and watch it when i workout and don't have to rip my DVD's every other week. With that in mind, at about 10am....i went out and got my new baby.
Originally i did not intend to get it but then the thought of how easy to upload videos automatically and also the ability to surf and watch YouTube videos sold me straight away.
I've been touching mysel.....i mean the device all day today and this is one of the best device i have ever had. I only got the 8G version. I had a 20G Ipod in the past and did not manage to even fill up 50% of that. So i decided to be feasible and get the 8G version instead. Absoutely love this thing.
The screen is really responsive and a joy to use. Highly recommended.
Posted by
4:24 PM