Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Recently, i've have an interests to watch old P.Ramlee movies. I still think that he's the best director Malaysia ever had. I think its pathetic that Malaysia has not release a single DVD of good quality from this director. I am sure these will sell well. A lot of us grew up watching his Ali Baba and Do-Re-Mi stories and the "Cubaaa-an" shows....LOL.....i have vague memories of his show, but would love to have all his movies in my DVD collection. I think instead of wasting time censoring all 18sx crap.....the entertainment industry should keep P.Ramlee's work alive. Now, if the DVD of his movies exists, let me know ya.....but in the meantime, i can only think back to wheni was a kid watching his shows with my family and laughing together!!!