Saturday, October 08, 2005

Fog-get it!! I'm Leaving!!!

Ok.......make the decision today to cut short my vacation 3 days. Why? Look at the picture on top, rain,rain,rain and more rain. And it'd never did stop raining. I would put this vacation i had as a so-s0 one. First, fall colors like premature ejaculation, the coast of Maine like watching porn instead of having sex...... and the rest of the trip like impotency of old age. Weather will be like this in New England for the whole week and into next week!!! What can i do? I have to either stay in hotel or get wet visiting these places!! Sigh!!! So woke up this morning, cancel all my other reservations and heading off home to Seattle tomorrow. Dem fuck up i tell ya. Oh well, at least i've see a little fall foilage, tasted so much lobster till i am tired of it and saw a scenic lighthouse in Maine. Better than nothing.....but at the end of the day, my vacation could have been so much better. All George Bush's fault!!!